A couple of clowns brazenly broke the silence of that Paris hospital. Our ten years old daughter Laura, could not believe what she was seeing when she authorized the clowns to enter her little hospital world. It was a long time since I had seen her laughing that way.
From that momenton, we dedicated all our energy so that other children hospitalized in the Balearic children hospitalized in the Balearic Islands could experience the same sensations.
Miquel Borrás - Founder
Provide joy in all the hospitals of the Balearic Islands.
We are committed to the process of humanization and positive transformation of the healthcare environment through humour, music, magic and illusion. We intend to mobilize emotions and release tensions of the patients, their family and friends and health personnel.
We believe that reaching an adequate emotional state is crucial to face the disease in a positive way.
To continue being a point of reference and to develop regularly and consistently our social mission throughout the Balearic Community.
We aim at promoting the Hospital Clown methodology with professionalism and incorporate it as one of the services associated with the therapeutic process for children.
It is our priority to continue providing smiles to families who must leave their usual environment to cope with the therapeutic process.
Our team
With laughter and joy, the clown team brightens every day; and with management and dedication, the support team gives its heart.
Together at Sonrisa Médica, we make every action magical.

" Sometimes I keep quiet and sometimes I give my opinion. No..., yes..., well..., good..., well...,Enchanted!"

"The most divine, with fine glassware, pretty as a sea bass...with glitter!"

" Mosque researcher. His thesis was lost in a verbena of the good kind."

"I was born in a laboratory, son of a lab coat and pajamas that did little things in a drawer."

"It goes from wave to wave. Poet of the deep, cook of joys."

"I was me first..., and when I met me, I fell good and then to the ground!"

"Of the Li family: Tivo-li, Bruce-Li. Especia-li-sta in all that goes well."

"Valentina Ventolina inspires everyone. I exhale them too, singing is my gift!"

"Specialist in whistles, balls and tubinos."

" Labtechnique, with a good repertoire. She's a poet and a rock 'n' roller."

"With very little discipline, he observes, evaluates, interprets and guesses what 's behind the curtain."

"I'm Lola Cortisola, I'm here to say hello! And that... Mola! Like a pot I'm like a pot".

" It solves everything in a jiffy. Because it ' s maintenance... it 's maintained beautifully."

"Discreet as a trumpet, but she plays the clarinet. She is a vedette".

" Ambulance, helicopter and Vespino pilot. I transport the sweet things in life."

" It makes you feel wonderful. Bringing joy all over the island."

"Little by little, more beautiful every day."

" Whether it sounds or not, Tirititona revolutionizes everyone."

"For lunch a snack of Endorphin. Between dances and songs you give me a smile."

" I'malways entertaining, but your call will be answered."

"Always adding up and to the joy helping."

"If you want to see them smiling, call me and I 'll come running!"

"With a wide smile, Production will give you a chance".

"If we have to lead, we will lead `_' "

"Quality, partners and volunteers, three much-needed pillars!"

